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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Weight Loss and Common Misunderstandings.

Many people try to weight Loss, want to have a good figure, firm body, but no matter what they do, the weight doesn’t come off. They’ve tried many methods but haven’t succeeded. Plus, they gain more weight than before. That may be because you’re doing

Low sugar weight loss fruits.

Fruits are foods that are full of important nutrients, fiber, and vitamins that help nourish, maintain, and increase the efficiency of the body’s work to be complete. In addition to fruits being foods that help complete each meal, fruits are also a top food group

Factors that cause metabolism failure.

The body’s metabolism system is what controls the accumulation of fat and weight in the body. Metabolism means that when we receive food, our body has a process to digest it and use it as energy for cells. Metabolic Damage is a condition in which

What are the symptoms of food allergies?

Food allergies can be caused by many things. The main factor is genetics. Most people may have a history of allergies in their family that are not related to food allergies, or they may have a history of food allergies in their family. Another factor

Reasons why your period only lasts one day.

A period that only lasts one day is a common health problem for women. It can be cause by many factors, such as the use of birth control pills or sudden weight changes. Taking care of yourself properly, such as changing your lifestyle to be

Techniques for dealing with irritability effectively.

Anger or irritability are emotions that can occur when something triggers them. You just have to be aware of it and know why you are angry and what form you are in. Anger can come from both internal and external sources. For example, external causes

Causes and relief of bumpy tongue symptoms.

Bumpy tongue is a condition in which there are various types of bumps on the tongue. They may be raise, red or white. Sometimes there may be pus inside or there may be a crack. It is usually painful and burning. Bumpy tongue can interfere with eating